That being said, people can sometimes have allergies to plants, including succulents. People who develop allergies to latex should be particularly cautious with succulents that produce sap (particularly succulents in the genus Eurphorbia).Click to see full answer. Hereof, what houseplants are bad for allergies? The worst indoor plants for allergy sufferers Chrysanthemums, weeping figs, orchids and marigold have been known to cause skin reactions. In extreme cases, these reactions can lead to swelling around the eyes and mouth or even anaphylactic shock.Secondly, can plants give you allergies? A plant allergy, also called allergic rhinitis or hay fever, is an allergic reaction caused by plants and their pollen. Each individual may have different triggers causing allergic reactions, some may respond more to trees, while others react to grasses or ragweed. People also ask, what are the worst trees for allergies? Some of the worst tree allergens include: alder. ash. beech. birch. box elder. cedar. cottonwood. date palm. Which flowers cause the most allergies?WebMD reports there are actually quite a variety of flowers out there that allergy sufferers can live in harmony with. Begonia, cactus, clematis, columbine, crocus, daffodil and geranium are some of the most allergy-friendly plants and flowers.