Who is Penny Mordaunt partner Ian Lyon? Wiki, age, classical singer, daughter, net worth

Posted by Arica Deslauriers on Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Penelope Mary Mordaunt FRSA is a British politician who has been serving as Minister of State for Trade Policy since 2021. A member of the Conservative Party, she has been the Member of Parliament representing Portsmouth North since 2010.

Mordaunt expresses herself as a campaigner who fought for the Portsmouth North seat in the 2005 General Election. Though she lost that time, she continued to fight and won in 2010. She expanded her vote ratio in every election from 38% to 61%.

Who is Penny Mordaunt partner Ian Lyon?

Penny Mordaunt was in a long-term relationship with her partner Ian Lyon who is a classical singer. The couple, however, called quits on their relationship back in 2016. They had a natural end to their relationship and no third party was involved, report sources.

Mordaunt and Lyon never shared details about their first meeting or their relationship and it remains a mystery on the internet.  Although the couple never welcomed children of their own, they sure had a lot of companions at home. They had adopted eight cats while they were together.

As of March 2022, the basic salary of an MP in the House of Commons is £84,144 per year, or approximately $100,000. Apart from that, Mordaunt is the Minister of State for Trade Policy. She surely earns a good respectable amount of money.
