Who is Stephen Marleys wife Kertia DeCosta Marley? Age, birthday, children, pictures, bio

Posted by Lorie Orum on Monday, May 20, 2024

Award-winning singer, songwriter, and producer Stephen Marley. Stephen Marley has won eight Grammy Awards for his music, which includes solo albums, family projects, and producing credits.

He was raised in Kingston, Jamaica, and is the second oldest child of the legendary reggae singer Bob Marley and Rita Marley. At the age of 7, Stephen began performing in The Melody Makers alongside his older siblings Ziggy, Sharon, and Cedella.

Stephen has achieved success as a solo artist with his Grammy-winning albums Mind Control, Mind Control Acoustic, and Revelation Part I: The Root of Life.

He has also won multiple Grammys as a producer, most notably for Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley’s huge crossover hit Welcome To Jamrock. Entertainment Weekly called Mind Control “the best Marley album in a generation.”

Kertia DeCosta Marley Age, birthday, children, pictures, bio

Stephen Marly, the son of Bob Marly, is the proud father of thirteen kids from several previous relationships. Though many think they have split up, he is wed to his wife Kertia DeCosta Marley.

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Some kids followed in their father’s musical footsteps and became singers, and some of them are now successful in their chosen professions. No data is available about Kertia DeCosta at the moment. Keep checking back for more updates.
