Lisa Irwin missing: Police say parents Deborah and Jeremy are cooperating again

Posted by Zora Stowers on Friday, May 17, 2024

Baby Lisa's parents set up fund to help find the girl as police say couple are finally cooperating again amid suspicion of their involvement

  • Parents Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin begin speaking to investigators again
  • Baby Lisa missing since Monday night, police say
  • Teenage neighbour who knew access codes questioned Friday
  • Police searched landfill but found nothing



As the parents of missing 10-month-old Lisa Irwin's parents patch up talks with police amid a cloud of suspicion, the Missouri couple says they will set up a trust fund in hopes of finding their daughter.

But family spokesman Mike Lerette said Jeremy Irwin and Deborah Bradley will be giving fewer media interviews, because they want full attention on finding their daughter.

The couple met with police on Saturday for the first time since officers said they had stopped cooperating with the investigation on Thursday.

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Baby Lisa's Parents

'We don't know:' Parents appeared on morning shows Friday to fight claims that they have stopped cooperating with police

But Irwin and Bradley said they only needed a break from incessant police questioning.

Kansas City Police Department Captain Steve Young told ABC News: 'They're talking with us and that is absolutely the best thing.'

Lisa Irwin has been missing from her Kansas City home since Monday night.

The couple reported her missing Tuesday, saying she'd been snatched from her crib overnight.

The news came as police questioned a teenage neighbour of the parents of the child.

On Friday, forensic experts took a DNA sample from the neighbour who had been at the Irwins' home the day Lisa vanished.

The neighbour also knew the access code to the family garage, ABC News reported.

Investigators are also looking into a second lead, after a couple in California were seen with a small child fitting Lisa's description, relative Mike Lerette told KMBC-TV.

'They're pursuing surveillance tape on a couple with the baby in California,' said Lerette. Parents hug

Find her: Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin say they are frustrated with their treatment by police, who have begun accusing Bradley


Statistics on infant abductions in the U.S. show that one of the least likely scenarios in the disappearance of a baby is that a stranger broke into the family's home and quietly snatched the child from the crib.

The numbers also lead experts to believe that if Baby Lisa were taken by an intruder in the middle of the night she is probably still alive.

David Finkelhor, director of the Crimes Against Children Research Centre at the University of New Hampshire, said that strangers who kidnap infants or young children, though rare, often do so because they want a child of their own, not because they intend to hurt or kill the child. 

Ernie Allen, president of the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children in Arlington, Virginia, added: 'The recovery rate for infants is very, very high. There is real hope here.'

'Suspicion almost always falls heavily on the parents, especially when it's young kids,' Mr Finkelhor said. 

'Fifteen hundred parents kill their kids every year, and that's heavily focused on the under 1 year of age category.'

Mr Allen said his organization has handled 278 infant abduction cases during his nearly three decades with the group. Only 13 cases involved a stranger coming into a home and taking a baby, and all but one of those children were recovered unharmed.

The investigation into the disappearance of baby Lisa took a grim turn yesterday as the FBI revealed it has begun searching a landfill in Kansas as part of its search for the 10-month-old who disappeared from her crib four days ago.

More than a dozen investigators were at the waste dump, 23 miles from the Kansas City house where she disappeared, for several hours today although they did not appear to remove any evidence.

The mother of the missing baby revealed yesterday police had accused her of having a role in her 10-month-old daughter's disappearance from her Kansas City home.

'From the start when they've questioned me, once I couldn't fill in gaps, it turned into "you did it, you did it,' Bradley, 25, told Good Morning America on Friday. 

Police say the baby's parents have stopped cooperating with investigators and Bradley admitted to failing a lie detector test.

The Deffenbaugh Industries Johnson County landfill is across the state line in Shawnee, Kansas. The garbage collected in Kansas City goes to the Shawnee dump. 

But the couple are sticking to their story that little Lisa Irwin was abducted from her crib after Bradley put her to bed at 10:30pm Monday.

Jeremy Irwin, Lisa's father, says he came home from work at 4am Tuesday and found the front door unlocked, his daughter's bedroom window open and Lisa gone.

They took to morning talk shows today to fight back against the accusations from police and renew their claims that neither of them has any idea what happened to their infant daughter.

Baby Lisa in crib       Lisa Irwin

Gone: Police still have no suspects and no clear leads in the disappearance of baby Lisa

'We don't know, which is why we need everyone out there looking for her,' Bradley said on the Today Show Friday, with tears streaming down her face.

The new developments have changed the game in the four-day-old hunt for the infant. After their announcement that Jeremy Irwin walked out of an interrogation Thursday, detectives shut down their command centre in the working-class neighbourhood where baby Lisa lived.

Police said they have halted their extensive searches of the woods and areas around the home, but investigators would continue to work the case and follow leads.

They still have no solid leads or any suspects.


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In their television interviews, baby Lisa's parents said they were still cooperating with authorities.

However, Jeremy Irwin said he reached a 'boiling point' Thursday after 11 hours of questioning and couldn't stand any more.

Bradley said detectives have grown increasingly aggressive in their interviews with her.

'They took a picture down from the table and said "look at your baby! And do what's right for her!" I kept saying I don't know ... I just sat there. I didn't even ask to leave - I just let them keep asking questions,' she told Good Morning America.

At a news conference Thursday evening, Capt Young said baby Lisa's parents had ceased communication with authorities.


Coming up empty: More than a dozen FBI agents and officers were at the waste dump but did not appear to collect evidence

'Tonight, they decided to stop talking to detectives, and I don't have to illustrate how that affects the investigation. That speaks for itself,' Mr Young said.

Asked after the news conference what would happen to the investigation without the parents' cooperation, Young said he could not comment.

Bradley told The Associated Press today that she took the polygraph earlier this week and police told her she failed the test.

She says they didn't show her any paperwork verifying the results or know which questions she failed.

Young also said the parents' claim that whoever took their daughter also stole their cellphones had not produced any leads. And he reiterated that investigators still have no suspects.

Irwin home

No leads: Police have closed down their command post and stopped searching for baby Lisa

The parents had earlier joined together to plead for the safe return of their daughter.

'We just want our baby back. Please, bring her home. ... Please just drop her off anywhere, please. We don’t care, just somewhere safe where she can come home. Please,' Bradley begged, sobbing as she clutched one of her daughter's purple teddy bears.

In their first public appearance since their daughter disappeared,  choked back tears on Wednesday as they asked the kidnapper to return their 10-month-old daughter.

More than 300 investigators took up the search for baby Lisa - using tracking dogs, horse-mounted patrols, helicopters and taking to ropes to rappel down steep slopes.

Officers stood shoulder-to-shoulder as they walked through the woods near her home.

A team of FBI forensic analysts, clad head-to-toe in white sterile suits, meticulously combed the house for any trace evidence.

Police have knocked on more than 300 doors in the quiet, working-class neighbourhood where Baby Lisa lived. But their search has been in vain so far.

One neighbour reported seeing a man with an infant in the area at 2am on Tuesday, but that tip has gone nowhere.

Landfill map

Far from home: The landfill where authorities searched is 23 miles from baby Lisa's home

The search grows desperate but there may be hope, experts say.

Most infants who are abducted are found unharmed, Ernie Allen, president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in Alexandria, Virginia, told the Kansas City Star.

'The vast majority of those who take infants don’t take them to harm, so the safe return of an abducted infant is pretty high,' Mr Allen said.

Strangers who kidnap infants are usually women who are looking for a baby of their own, he said.

The story has attracted national attention since Tuesday. Friends and supporters from around the country gave an outpouring of support on the Facebook page 'Help Find Lisa Irwin.'

More than 2,600 people have joined the group.
